Dr Padma Murthi

MSc., MPhil., PhD. GCTE

Dr Padma Murthi has built her research career understanding the role of developmentally important growth control genes in human placental development in normal and in the major disorders of pregnancy, fetal growth restriction (FGR) and preeclampsia (PE).

More recently, she has used this expertise and knowledge to develop innovative models of diseased 3D placentas across gestation to identify critical regulators of placental development. Her research aims to identify novel pathways and develop molecular therapies to improve placental function in FGR, stillbirth and PE.

Dr Murthi has received the Andree Gruslin outstanding female mid-career researcher (MCR) award for 2023 from the International Federation of Placental Association (IFPA). She is also a recipient of the Researcher Exchange and Development within Industry (REDI)-Bridge fellowship in 2021. She has served as an elected secretary of Australia New Zealand Placental Research Association (2008-2012), as elected secretary of IFPA (2016-2022) and chair of the IFPA award committee (2017-2023).

Dr Murthi currently serves as a secretary, as well as a co-chair of the Collaboration and Advocacy program, BDI-MCR committee.