Australian Action on Preeclampsia Inc. (AAPEC) is an association incorporated in Victoria. It is a voluntary organisation set up to provide support and information to families who have suffered from preeclampsia.


Our objectives are…

    • To provide support to women who suffer or have suffered from preeclampsia, and their families.
    • To educate, inform and advise the public and health professionals about the prevalence, nature and risks of preeclampsia and eclampsia.
    • To campaign for greater awareness and action to improve methods of detection and treatment.
    • To promote research into the causes of the disease and appropriate screening techniques and treatment methods.

AAPEC’s functions include…

    • Publishing regular newsletters and information brochures.
    • Operating a network of regional local support groups.
    • Organising seminars and workshops for both the general public and health professionals.
    • Raising funds to support AAPEC’s objectives.

Membership is open to anyone with an interest in preeclampsia.

Annual membership fees $20.00 full. $10 concession. » Click here to join.

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